At Embarc+ Coaching

I help you to:

-> Empower yourself
-> Motivate you to take action
-> Believe in your ability
-> Achieve your goals
-> Realise your potential
-> Create your future

Traditional coaching methods focus on individuals, couples, groups, or organizations to clarify their goals, create action plans, and hold them accountable to that plan. In this sense, it can be similar to working with a personal trainer. Rather than just focusing on the client’s body, a coach provides accountability and encouragement. But this can often result in short-term results because people can restrict their own potential by imposing limitations on their goals or they may lessen the accomplishments they want to achieve. A mindset of being ‘realistic’ or ‘practical’ can be ingrained and people often have no idea what they are truly capable of and stay in a ‘safe zone’ for fear of disappointment. There can be a feeling of being successful if you just lower your expectations or just don’t set goals at all. In other cases, people may display great enthusiasm about goals and taking action and then are not able to understand why they repeatedly fail to achieve their desired results. In this way, traditional coaching can result in short-term results because inner blocks that cause people to fall short of their goals are not identified. Unchecked inner blocks cause a client to fall back into the same patterns of behavior, habits, or routines. 

Transformative coaching digs deeper and my training with iPEC has given me the skills to ask insightful questions. I challenge the client to think bigger and question their own ‘story’. Clients become more aware of their internal world, their motivation, and self-limiting factors. As a client’s awareness is raised, I am able to guide them to make a permanent and profound shift in the way they view their challenges, goals, and their world. Clients can make sustainable changes and be empowered to create the results they desire. Ultimately clients will be the agent of change in their own lives. 

I am not your best friend.  The difference between a best friend and a coach - a best friend will bring their own agenda and opinion to your situation. As a coach, I champion my client’s progress and provide a non-judgmental space that is collaborative and solely based on what the client thinks and wants to do. I am not attached to any outcome but provide guidance and tools so clients can implement solutions and take a step towards living their best life.